Studies on gold implantation
In this section you will find scientific studies on the subject of gold implantation which have been published in scientific journals and websites. A
list of these publications is offered as a pdf as well.
Ordered by topic, you will find a short title with key words on the left and the accurate reference on the right. A click on the respective symbol takes you, where available, to:
a short résumé, |
a (longer) specialist summary and |
a link to the website containing the original publication. |
Publications that are particularly important from our perspective are shown with an asterisk *. |
Gold implantation in humans
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Second double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on humans proves pain-relieving effect of gold-particle implantation in case of cervical osteoarthritis |
Hans Kryger Kjerkegaard et al.: Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial of the Pain-Relieving Effect of Gold Bead Implantation on Cervical Osteoarthritis. Medical Acupuncture (2011) 23(2):87–91.
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First double-blind, randomised controlled trial on gold implantation in humans |
Kirsten Nejrup et al.: Randomised controlled trial of extraarticular gold bead implantation for treatment of knee osteoarthritis: a pilot study. Clinical Rheumatology (2008) 27(11):1363–1369.
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Treating chronic arthritic pain by means of gold implantation |
Hans Kryger Kjerkegaard: Gold-Implantation. A New Method for Treating of Chronic Arthritic Pain. Book of Abstracts, ICMART Congress 2005, Prague, pp. 83–84.
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Gold implantation as a new method for treating chronic arthritic pain |
Hans Kryger Kjerkegaard: Gold implantation, a new method for treating chronic arthritic pain. ICMART Congress 2002, Edinburgh, UK. |
Gold implantation in animals
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Survey of investigations on gold particle implantation in dogs with hip dysplasia |
Andrea Deisenroth: Anwendung von Goldimplantaten zur Schmerztherapie bei der kaninen Hüftgelenksdysplasie: Eine Übersicht zu Methode, Wirkmechanismus und Wirksamkeit der Golddrahtimplantation (Use of gold implants as treatment of pain related to canine hip dysplasia – A review concerning method, mechanism of action and clinical effects of gold bead implantation). PhD thesis, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, 2014.
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Two-year follow-up study of the pain-relieving effect of gold bead implantation on dogs with hip dysplasia |
Gry T. Jæger et al.: Two years follow-up study of the pain-relieving effect of gold bead implantation in dogs with hip-joint arthritis. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (2007) 49:9.
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Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the pain-relieving effect of gold bead implantation in dogs with hip dysplasia |
Gry T. Jæger et al.: Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the pain-relieving effect of the implantation of gold beads into dogs with hip dysplasia. The Veterinary Record (2006) 158(21):722-726.
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Treating painful hip discomfort in dogs by gold particle implantation |
Oswald Kothbauer: Über die Implantation von Goldpartikeln zur therapeutischen Beeinflussung von schmerzhaften Prozessen im Hüftgelenksbereich von Hunden – dargestellt an drei Fallbeispielen (On the implantation of gold particles for therapeutic influence on painful processes in the region of hip joints in dogs – illustrated by three examples). Tierärztl. Monatsschr. (1997) 84:47–52. |
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Positioning gold implants when treating dogs with hip dysplasia |
A. Thoresen: A New Method of Placing Gold Implants to Treat Hip Dysplasia in Dogs. In: Proc. of 22nd Annual Intl. Congress on Veterinary Acupuncture, 5–8 Sept. 1996, Spiez/CH, IVAS. |
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Terry Durkes – pioneer of gold particle implantation in animals |
Terry E. Durkes: Gold bead implants. Problems in Veterinary Medicine (1992) 4:207–211. And in: Schoen, A. (ed.): Veterinary Acupuncture. Ancient Art to Modern Medicine. Mosby, USA, 1994, 285–290.
updated version of 2007 (with kind permission of the author) |
Gold in animals
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Treatment with metallic gold reduces proliferation of inflammatory cells following experimental traumatic brain injury |
Mie Østergaard Pedersen et al.: Metallic gold treatment reduces proliferation of inflammatory cells, increases expression of VEGF and FGF, and stimulates cell proliferation in the subventricular zone following experimental traumatic brain injury. Histology and Histopathology (2009) 24:573–586.
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Metallic gold reduces tendency towards programmed cell death after experimental brain injury |
Mie Østergaard Pedersen et al.: Metallic gold reduces TNF
expression, oxidative DNA damage and pro-apoptotic signals after experimental brain injury. Brain Res. (2009) 1271:103–113.
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Effect of gold coating on implant fixation |
Kasra Zainali et al.: Effects of gold coating on experimental implant fixation. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A (2009) 88(1):274–280.
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Gold ions released from metallic gold in living organisms reduce inflammation and improve regeneration after focal brain injury |
Agnete Larsen et mult. al.: Gold ions bio-released from metallic gold particles reduce inflammation and apoptosis and increase the regenerative responses in focal brain injury. Histochem. and Cell Biol. (2008) 130(4):681–692.
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Gold ions are released from gold implants in living organisms – breakthrough for gold implantation on humans? |
Gorm Danscher: In vivo liberation of gold ions from gold implants: Autometallographic tracing of gold in cells adjacent to metallic gold. Histochemistry and Cell Biology (2002) 117(5):447–452.
Gold in humans, in vitro
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Macrophages and an immuno-suppressive effect of released gold ions |
Oliver Seifert et al.: Gene expression profiling of macrophages: Implications for an immuno-suppressive effect of dissolucytotic gold ions. Journal of Inflammation (2012) 9(1):43.
Gold in animals, in vitro
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Electro-physical potentials in the case of fine gold |
Oswald Kothbauer et al.: Goldimplantationen: Ein elektrophysikalisches Phänomen zur Therapie von schmerzhaften Gelenkserkrankungen bei Tieren Tieren (Gold implantation: An electro-physical phaenomenon for treating painful joint diseases in animals). Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur (2010) 53(1):54–58.
Gold salts in humans (and animals), in vitro
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Interview relating to the next paper |
Helene F. Rosenberg: All that glitters may be HMGB1: an interview with Dr. Ulf Andersson. Journal of Leukocyte Biology (2008) 83(1):39–40.
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Contribution regarding the way in which gold works: gold compounds can alleviate the symptoms of rheumatic arthritis |
Cecilia K. Zetterström et al.: Pivotal Advance: Inhibition of HMGB1 nuclear translocation as a mechanism for the anti-rheumatic effects of gold sodium thiomalate. Journal of Leukocyte Biology (2008) 83(1):31-38.
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Study at the Harvard Medical School: effect of gold on antigen-presenting cells |
Stephen L. De Wall et al.: Noble metals strip peptides from class II MHC proteins. Nature Chemical Biology (2006) 2(4):197–201.
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Inhibition of DNA-binding activity by means of gold compounds |
Jian-Ping Yang et al.: Inhibition of the DNA-binding activity of NF-
B by gold compounds in vitro. FEBS Lett. (1995) 361:89–96.
Other studies regarding animals
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Investigation of hip discomfort in dogs |
Claudia Winkler: Vergleichende Untersuchungen von röntgenologischen sowie arthroskopischen Befunden am Hüftgelenk des Hundes (Comparative studies of radiological and arthroscopic findings of a dog’s hip joint). PhD thesis, Klinik für Kleintiere der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover, 2008.