Inhibition of DNA-binding activity by means of gold compounds
Many biochemical processes are regulated by the transcription of certain DNA genes. “NF-
B” is a specific protein (transcription factor) that activates genes involved in immune and inflammatory responses. Its binding to a specific DNA sequence “is essential for the transcription activity of these genes”. The authors note that even a minimal or partial inhibition of the activity of NF-
B may have a substantial effect on inflammatory processes.
The authors report that gold compounds have such “a strong inhibitory effect on NF-
-B-DNA binding”. Their findings show that zinc ions (Zn2+) are “a necessary component of NF-
B for its DNA binding activity and that gold ion[s] can efficiently block NF-
B-DNA binding”. The “mechanism may provide an explanation for the observed efficacy of gold compounds in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis”.
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