17 April 2023:
Newsletter on “Wikipedia and Study” (in German) sent to 1,370 interested parties, media representatives and specialised journalists.
April 2023:
The article
Goldimplantation which has been in the German Wikipedia since 2017, has been fundamentally revised, updated and expanded. The most important innovations: The “Geschichte” (History) section now describes the way of gold implantation to Germany in more detail, and the “Methodik“ (Methodology) has been rounded off. The application of gold implantation in the two fields of human medicine and veterinary medicine is now more strongly expressed in two individual, expanded sections. The section “Forschungen zur Wirkung der Goldimplantation“ (Research on the effect of gold implantation) has been extensively supplemented and restructured. References to sources, literature and websites have also been expanded.
February 2023:
Revised new edition of the gold implantation flyer for printing or ordering in the “Info” section of the website (with updated results of the observational study on gold implantation).
Conducted 100 telephone interviews as part of the association's retrospective observational study. The aim is to repeatedly ask all reachable patients up to a period of 4 years after gold implantation about their pain levels and pain reliever needs in order to determine the long-term effect.
December 2022:
Concretization of the information on gold implantation in the German Wikipedia article “Arthrose” under “Weitere Behandlungskonzepte” and change to a more confident presentation, with qualified reference to studies.
18 March 2022:
Newsletter for the new edition of „Die Magie des Goldes – Goldtherapie für Hund, Pferd und Mensch“ (The Magic of Gold - Gold Therapy for Dogs, Horses and Humans) (in German) sent to 1,449 interested parties, media representatives and specialised journalists.
Conducted 170 telephone interviews as part of the association's retrospective observational study.
23 June 2021:
Newsletter on the new results of the first study on gold implantation in Germany sent to 1,491 interested parties, media representatives and specialised journalists.
March 2021:
Revised new edition of the gold implantation flyer for printing or ordering in the “Info” section of the website (with updated results of the observational study on gold implantation).
Distribution of the flyer „Goldimplantation“ (in German) to about 250 gold implantation patients interviewed and online orderers.
3 Apr. 2020:
Newsletter to 1,615 interested persons, media representatives and specialised journalists.
27 March 2020:
Further study on gold implantation: Results of the retrospective observational study undertaken by Rudolf Helling, medical specialist for general medicine in Soest, on gold implantation in humans, which he kindly made available to us for publication, presented on our website under “Studies”.
Jan. 2020:
Publication of the article „Gold bead implants“ of the pioneer of the gold implantation in animals, Dr. Terry Durkes, in an updated version unpublished so far, on our website.
Dec. 2019:
Integration of the results of our interviews regarding the effect of gold implantation in the online portal „Naturheilmedizin“ at https://www.naturheilmagazin.de/natuerlich-heilen/krankheiten-a-bis-z/arthrose.html under the heading „Goldimplantation bei Arthrose“.
9 Dec. 2019:
Newsletter to 1,659 interested persons, media representatives and specialised journalists.
3 Nov. 2019:
New study on gold implantation: First results of our own retrospective observational study in cooperation with Dr. Melanie Endrizzi, Düsseldorf, presented on our own website under “Studies”.
18 Oct. 2019:
New flyer “gold implantation” (in German) for printing and ordering on our website under “Information” (with results of our retrospective observational study on gold implantation).
18 Sept. 2019:
As the German part of the website underwent extensive revision and extension, the English part of the website has now been revised and extended accordingly, and we are now “English online” again.
21 July 2019:
The website area on studies regarding gold implantation has been extended significantly. The new webpage “Studies” offers a convenient overview of scientific studies/papers/publications on the effects of gold. Moreover, the Ackermann Team has prepared short résumés and expert summaries for a selection of publications, which offer readers a quick overview.
3 Nov. 2018:
Surgeon Dr. Melanie Endrizzi from Düsseldorf gave a talk about “Gold implantation as an alternative method of pain treatment on joints with signs of arthrosis“ to a very interested audience at the “52. Medizinische Woche Baden-Baden – Ärztekongress für Komplementärmedizin” (52nd medical week in Baden-Baden, congress of physicians of complementary medicine) in cooperation with the Ackermann Team.
1 Nov. 2018:
Newsletter to 1,750 interested persons, media representatives and specialised journalists.
22 Dec. 2017, 10 Nov. 2017:
2 newsletters to about 176 interested persons and about 2,000 journalists, media representatives and broadcasting organisations.
19 June 2016, 24 Mar. 2016:
2 newsletters to about 160 interested persons.
14 June 2016:
Start of a petition regarding gold implantation addressed to the impartial Chairperson of the Federal Joint Committee (Unparteiischer Vorsitzender des Gemeinsamen Bundessausschusses, G-BA), Berlin.
4 newsletters to about 160 interested persons.
1 Dec. 2015:
The society “Goldimplantation zur Gelenkbehandlung und Schmerztherapie e. V.”, an initiative of the Ackermann Team, is now recognised as a charitable/non-profit organisation.
July 2015:
Press information to about 2,000 media representatives.
19 Jan. 2015:
Of the 38 private health insurance companies we wrote to on 9 July 2014, seven answered and thereupon received a new letter with further information. On 19 January 2015 we also sent a second letter to the remaining 31 chairpersons of the health insurers with additional facts regarding scientific results, experience and substantial arguments in favour of gold implantation. In this letter, the cost avalanche was again referred to which will head in the direction of the health insurers increasingly in the years ahead and which can be responded to effectively by promoting gold implantation.
3 Jan. 2015:
Letter with information about gold implantation and requesting support sent to the European Commission, Brussels. Reminder sent on 24 July 2015. Written reply received on 17 August 2015 also containing information regarding funding opportunities.
22 Sept. 2014:
Letter to Prof. Dr. Volker Amelung, chairman of the board of the Bundesverband Managed Care e. V. (BMC, German Federal Managed Care Association), asking for support of gold implantation. The BMC is a nationwide pluralistic society for innovative system development in the health care system.
The subject is: “Gold implantation – a sustainable extension of the healing spectrum in the case of arthrosis and inflammation after joint replacement”.
22 Aug. 2014:
On 22 August 2014 we mailed a letter to all members of the executive committee of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin und Prävention (DGSP) (German society for sport medicine and prevention), who are the following doctors:
- Dr. Ingo Tusk, Clinic Red Cross, Frankfurt/Main
- Prof. Dr. med. Klaus-Michael Braumann, Hamburg
- Hubert Bakker, medical specialist for general medicine, sport medicine – manual medicine, Bremen
- Professor Dr. Klaus Völker, Institut für Sportmedizin, Münster
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Bloch, institute for cardiovascular research and sport medicine, Deutsche Sporthochschule Cologne
- Prof. Dr. Christine Graf, institute for motion and neuro science, Deutsche Sporthochschule Cologne
The “subject” is: “A ground-breaking alternative to endoprosthetics: gold implantation”.
9 July 2014:
On 9 July 2014 the boards of 39 private health insurance companies in Germany were written to and their attention was drawn to the advantages of gold implantation, combined with the request to advocate this method. The subject is: “The billions of Euros business with hips, knees and backs – Proposal for reducing the costs caused by endoprosthetics”.
Letter with information for orthopaedists nationwide
Press briefing
9 Apr. 2013
Press briefing
Team from Hannover demands an alternative to joint replacement
to all adressees
18 Jan. 2013
Reaction to the WDR documentary:
Beware of surgery! The story of Meike Hemschemeier.
14 January 2013, ARD, 22:45 h
2 Jan. 2013
Written reminder
Gold implantation as an alternative.
Health insurer warns: Clinics operate too often.
- AOK-Bundesverband GbR, Geschäftsführender Vorstand
- AOK Baden-Württemberg – Die Gesundheitskasse
- AOK Bayern – Die Gesundheitskasse, Zentrale
- AOK Bremen/Bremerhaven
- AOK – Die Gesundheitskasse in Hessen
- AOK – Die Gesundheitskasse für Niedersachsen
- AOK Nordost – Die Gesundheitskasse
- AOK NORDWEST – Die Gesundheitskasse
- AOK Rheinland/Hamburg – Die Gesundheitskasse
- AOK Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland – Die Gesundheitskasse
- AOK PLUS – Die Gesundheitskasse für Sachsen und Thüringen
- AOK Sachsen-Anhalt – Die Gesundheitskasse
3 May 2012
“Risks of endoprosthetics – Gold implantation as an alternative medicine”
- Medicine and science journalists
- Media
- Information and health programmes on TV
- Hannover press
21 Jan. 2012
Reminder to the health insurance companies, Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Medical Associations
20 July 2011
Press information
Latest study on the effectiveness of gold implantation on humans to
- 159 boards of the statutory health insurance companies
- 4 health ministries
- 3 State Chambers of Physicians
- 7 Medical Associations
- 8 board members of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians
- 62 board members of the Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians
- the Gemeinsame Bundesausschuss (G-BA) (Federal Joint Committee) and the Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) (institute for quality and economic efficiency in the health care system)
13 July 2011
information about the campaign and current press information to
- 43 patient representations in the Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (G-BA) (Federal Joint Committee)
8 July 2011
press information about the latest study on the effectiveness of gold implantation on humans to
- 930 media representatives,
- 1,354 medicine and science journalists
18 Apr. 2011
press information about the campaign to
- 1,080 media representatives,
- 1,472 medicine and science journalists
14 Jan. 2011
letter and application for information to
- Berufsverband der Fachärzte für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie e. V. (professional association of the medical specialists in orthopaedics and casualty surgery)
- Kompetenznetz Deutschland für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (competence network in Germany for orthopaedics and casualty surgery)
14 Jan. 2011
letter and application for information to
- 8 National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians
- 62 Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of the Länder
14 Jan. 2011
information about the campaign and application to
- 99 chief physicians of orthopaedic clinics
8 Nov. 2010
application sent for information to
- all addressees of Activity 1
16 Sept. 2010
As a reaction to the answering letters of the board members of health insurance companies, in a second activity we turned to the following with one application (85 letters)
- the Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (G-BA) (Federal Joint Committee)
- the Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) (institute of quality and economic efficiency in the health care system)
21 Aug. 2010
Activity 1: start of the campaign nationwide
Since gold implantation is applied in Germany almost exclusively in veterinary medicine and not in human medicine, i.e. on humans, with the goal of making it more well known, we have mailed information about the success of gold implantation in a first nationwide activity to:
- 159 boards of the statutory health insurance companies
- 4 health ministries
- 3 State Chambers of Physicians
- 7 Medical Associations
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